Reacting to the pandemic to save lives

COVID Relief and Response has included:
Restricted travel from China in January 2020
White House Coronavirus Task Force established January 2020
Operation Warp Speed to accelerate a COVID vaccine by January 2021 to compress a 73-month process to 14-months (or shorter)
Decline of fatality rate by 85% for those over 70 during due to the COVID response
CARES Act relief funds expanded – Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
US Stimulus Package of $8.3 billion covering Paycheck Protection Program, Families First, and $1,200 stimulus checks – passed May 2020
US Stimulus Package for second $1,200 stimulus check - in discussion October 2020
Provided COVID relief in cash, student loan relief, and eviction protection through four executive orders.
State-licensed pharmacists to order and administer COVID vaccines to enable easy access
Domestic production capacity of flock tip swabs expanded to 14.4 million per month to support COVID testing
Summer Free Meal program extended through December 2020 to ensure that all children have access to nutritious food
Farmers to Families Food Box program of an additional $1 billion to bridge the hunger gap.
Nursing homes received N95 respirators as part of $2.5 billion to increase testing, staffing, and PPE
Defense Production Act activated to prioritize securing PPE
Children’s hospitals to receive $1.4 billion in relief funds
Hospitals receive second round of funding of $10 billion by Dept of Health and Human Services
Distribution of 346 million masks to critical workers by FEMA, DHS, CISA
Ordered testing of 500,000 Americans every day
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program awarded over $545 million